1. Install and activate the Migrate Guru plugin on your source (original) site.

  2. Make sure you have a domain to migrate your site to on WP Engine, and that you have WordPress installed on this domain.

  3. On your source site, navigate to the Migrate Guru plugin and select 'WP Engine' from the list of hosts.

  4. Once you select WP Engine, you should see the following form:

  5. In this form, enter the URL of your destination site–– This is the URL to which Migrate Guru will move your site.
    To fill up the rest of the form, you will need your destination server's sFTP host or server address, sFTP username,and sFTP password.
    To find these details, please follow the steps below: 
    1. Log in to your WP Engine account

    2. Click on your site name –– This leads to the site ‘Overview’ page

    3. When you click on the site,

      1. You should see the IP Address in the site Overview’ page

      2. You should also see the URL here

      1. In  side menu options click SFTP Users

        1. This should reveal the SFTP host server name

        2. SFTP username

        3. Port

          Note: If you don’t remember the password then you can create a new SFTP User altogether by clicking on ‘Add SFTP user’ and enter those credentials here.

    4. Once you have all these details, fill up your migration form on the Migrate Guru plugin on your site, and click on 'Migrate'.